
Ashram school vidhyasahayak bharti

Ashram school vidhyasahayak bharti

Candidates are invited to apply for the post of vidhyashahayak in Ashram School.Candidates who actually have eligibility criteria for vidhyasahayak recruitment can apply for this Advertising Research.All the information for this is given in the link given below. All the information about which documents have to be attached for recruitment and during which period the application has to be made within the stipulated time is given. Interested candidates should apply for the following advertisement.

Overview | People belonging to Scheduled Tribes cannot afford to pay for the education of their children due to their poor economic condition. Instead of sending them to school, they are forced to send their children to work in their traditional businesses or to other jobs or labor to be financially useful for the maintenance of the family. The Government of Gujarat started a scheme for Ashram Schools for students of Std. 1 to 8, Std. 9 to 10 and Std. 11-12 by giving 100% grant by non-governmental organizations to start residential schools called Ashram School These schools provide accommodation to tribal students in addition to education. Although these schools are run by non-governmental organizations, the entire cost is borne by the state government.

Objective | To provide school education as well as boarding facilities to the students of Scheduled Tribes in one place so that they can get good employment in future and also they can compete with other sections of the society.

Getting Started | 13

Partner organizations | NGOs working in tribal areas

Geographical Territory | All districts

Expected Beneficiaries | Tribal students

Eligibility for Admission | When the ashram school is started, they have to register at least 15 boys and 12 girls at the time of commencement. After that he has to register 10 boys and 10 girls every year till 7th standard.

The following benefits of the scheme | Under this scheme students are provided free education, accommodation and dining facilities along with hostel, books, daily necessities. A monthly grant of Rs.1000 is paid to each child ashram school.

Major Achievements | The state has a total of 6 ashram schools for students of standard IX to XII including 6 north basic schools and 3 ashram schools for students of standard I to VIII. More than 50,000 students attend these boarding schools each year.


Qualifications :- B.A./ P.T.C / TET – 1 PASS

Advertisement published :- 6 March , 2021

Selection process Ashramshala recruitment 2021 :-

Final selection will be based on personal interview

Important Date for Ashramshala recruitment 2021

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