
e-Gram Swaraj Portal | Download e-Gram Swaraj App

 e-Gram Swaraj Portal | Download e-Gram Swaraj App

You are searching for how to use e-Gram Swaraj Portal? here we provide information about e-Gram Swaraj Portal and its app. you can see your village progress report at e-Gram Swaraj Portal. also you can see your village sarpanchs name and contact details.

Features of e-Gram Swaraj Portal

Information related to all the works of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj can be obtained through this portal.

Any citizen of the country can create his account on the e-Gram Swaraj portal and can get information related to the development work of the village.

All the details about Panchayat Secretary and Panch also can be seen on this portal.

E-Gram Swaraj can also be accessed through the portal and can also be accessed through the mobile app.

Digitization of village and rural areas will be done through e-Gram Swaraj Portal.

How to download e-Gram Swaraj App?

Interested beneficiaries who want to get all the information related to their Panchayat easily, then they should follow the method given below.

First of all you have to go to Google Play Store on your mobile phone. After opening the Google Play Store, you have to search the e-gram Swaraj app in the search bar.

e-Gram Swaraj App After this you have to download this e-Gram Swaraj App. Once the mobile app is downloaded, you have to open it.

After opening the app, the home page will open in front of you. On this home page you have to login by entering username and password.

You can use this app after login.

Procedure to login on E Gram Swaraj Portal

First of all you have to visit the official website of e Gram Swaraj Portal.

Now the home page will open in front of you.

On the home page, you have to click on the link for login.

Now you have to enter your username, password and captcha code.

After that you have to click on the login button.

In this way you will be able to login to the e Gram Swaraj Portal.

What is the information to be given on the e-Gram Swaraj Portal?

You can also get information related to Panchayat on this portal. First of all you have to go to e-Panchayat Swaraj Portal.

On the online portal, you can get the name of the activities of the Panchayat, the name of the scheme, Panchayat planning, Panchayat profile, progress reporting etc.

You can also login on this portal. For this you have to first go to the official website. After visiting the official website, the home page will open in front of you.

On the home page of e Gram Swaraj Portal, you will see the option of login, you have to click on this option. After clicking on the option the login page will open in front of you.

In this form you have to fill username, password, captcha code etc. After that you have to click on the login button.

Process to view local government profile

First of all you have to visit the official website of e Gram Swaraj Portal.

Now the home page will open in front of you.

On the home page, you have to click on the link of Panchayat Profile.

e-Gram Swaraj

Now you have to click on the link of Local Government Profile.

e-Gram Swaraj Portal

After this a new page will open in front of you in which you will have to select your state and panchayat level and enter the captcha code.

Now you have to click on the link of Get Data.

The relevant information will be on your computer screen.

         :: Important link ::

     નીચે લિંક પર ક્લીક કરી રાજ્ય, જિલ્લો, તાલુકો, અને ગામ પસંદ કરો

અહીંથી જાણો તમારા ગામના સરપંચનું નામ અને નંબર

અહીંથી જાણો તમારા ગામ માં કેટલું કામ થયું છે

અહીંથી જાણો તમારા ગામ માં કેટલી ગ્રાન્ટ મળી છે

The process of knowing committee story committee member details

First of all you have to visit the official website of e Gram Swaraj Portal.

Now the home page will open in front of you.

On the home page, you have to click on the link of Panchayat Profile.

committee story committee member details

Now you have to click on the link of Committee & Committee Member Details.

committee story committee member details

Now the list of all the states will open in front of you.

You have to click on your state.

After this, you have to click on the committee for which you want to get the information related to the land committee.

The relevant information will be on your computer screen.

Contact us

Email at egramswaraj[at]gov[dot]in

Ministry of Panchayai Raj

Government of India

11th Floor, J.P. building,

Kasturba Gandhi Marg, Connaught Place,

New Delhi-110001


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