12th Pass Govt JobsGraduate Jobs

ECHS Ahmadabad Recruitment 2021 ahmadabad

ECHS Ahmedabad Recruitment 2021: This is a great opportunity for all interested candidates looking for a job in ECHS Ahmedabad. information regarding educational qualificationsin age criteria, selection mode, important date and other eligibility process, please read the following article carefully. Please read the official announcement in detail before applying.

Post name:

Medical specialist
Medical officer
Laboratory Technician
Nursing Assistant
Dentist / Assistant Technician
Fact entry operator
Salary: 16,800 to 1,00,000

ECHS Ahmadabad Recruitment Educational Qualification:

Medical Specialist: Special Concern / DNB In MD / MS.

Medical Officer: MBBS
Lab Technician : B.Sc (Medical Lab Tech) + Diploma in Medical Lab Technology
Nursing Assistant: G.N.M. Diploma / Class 1 Nursing Assistant Course (Armed Forces)
Physiotherapist: Diploma + Class 1 Physiotherapy Course (Armed Forces)
Pharmacist: B Pharmacy / Diploma in Pharmacy
Dental Hygienist / Assistant Technician: Diploma in Dental Hygiene / December 1 DH / Dora Course (Armed Forces)
Data Entry Rator Porter: Bachelor / Class 1 Clerk (Armed Forces)
Driver: 8th Pass / Class 1 MT Driver (Armed Forces)
Clerk: Bachelor / Class 1 Clerical Trade (Armed Forces)
Cleaners: Cleaning business, literature
Age limit: Not specified

Application Fee: There is no application fee.

Note: Please read the official announcement for the desired qualification, experience or other terms and conditions before applying.
Note 2: Veterans will be preferred.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected on the basis of merit, experience or interview.

How to apply:

Application will be submitted to Officer-in-Charge, OIC ECSS, Station Head Quarters, Camp Hangman, Toshiba, Ahmadabad- along with self-certified photocopies of testimonials in support of academic qualification and work experience.
Candidates will have to bring original tenth class / equivalent / degree mark sheet and pass at the time of interview along with certificate, service record, experience certificate and two sets of photocopies of each document and size of three pass ports.

  • Last Date For Submit The Application: 03.02.2021
  • Interview Date: 05.02.2021

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