GIC Insurance Recruitment 2021|Apply Online 44 Assistant Manager Vacancy @gicofindia.comGIC Recruitment 2021: General Insurance Corporation Of India (GIC) has available Vacancy Notification For 44 Officers in carde of the junior director posts 2021.Eligible And fascinated Candidates be relevant Online After comprehend approved Notification.Gic Recruitment 2021,Gic Vacancy 2021, universal assurance Corporation Of India Recruitment 2021.

GIC Recruitment 2021
Organisation Name: General Corporation Of India
Post Name: Assistant Manager
No.of vacancy:44
Application Mode: Online
Category:New Job
Job Location: Mumbai
Job Details
Post Name: Officer Scale I
Finance Chartered Accountants:15
Total Posts:44
GIC Recruitment 2021
Education Qualification
Finance Chartered Accountants:Graduation in any instruct with least amount 60% inscription for all-purpose & OBC candidates (55% for SC/ST candidates) and candidates be supposed to experience accepted the closing examination of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.Candidates be supposed to afford their link figure and the unaffected will be verified with Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
General: Graduation in any drill with lowest 60% inscription for universal & OBC candidates (55% for SC/ST candidates).
Legal: Bachelor’s amount in bylaw predictable by hinder association of India for the idea of enrolment as an Advocate with a least possible of 60% characters for all-purpose & OBC candidates (55% for SC/ST candidates).
Insurance: Graduation in any chastise with lowest possible 60% letters for broad & OBC candidates (55% for SC/ST candidates) and candidates be supposed to possess announce adapt Degree/diploma in broad Insurance/ lay bare Management/Life Insurance/ FIII/FCII.
Age Limit
Minimum age: 21 years.
Maximum age: 30 years
Candidate must own been instinctive not ahead than 02.02.1991 and not presently than 01.02.2000 in cooperation living inclusive.
How To Apply
Candidates pleasing the eligibility setting give rise to to rub on through online registration system of GIC pertaining to i.e. Online submission of the applications will be acceptable on the website between 11.03.2021 to 29.3.2021. No other means/mode of effort shall be accepted.
While applying on-line, nominee must encompass the next with good grace available.
E-mail credentials (which have to be authenticate for at slightest one day from the meeting of application)
Mobile No (which necessity be legitimate for at slightest one day from the go out with of application).
Application Fees
Non-refundable sum of Rs. 850/- (Rupees Eight Hundred Fifty Only) (plus GST @ 18%) as giving out and Examination fees has to be remunerated on flex no more than as apiece training known in above website upon completion of registration and application.(Candidates belonging to SC/ST category, PH candidates, Female candidates and the employees of GIC and GIPSA component Companies are exempted from the fees). command Draft/ cash buy / Postal demand or any other genre of payment is not acceptable.
GIC Recruitment 2021 Selection Process
The selection for the above post shall be on the basis of shortlisting of the candidates based on Online Test, and performance in Group Discussion and interview and medical examination. The total marks for Written Test, Group Discussion and Interview will be 200.
Competitive online examination will be held tentatively around the first week of May 2021.The candidate may choose any one of the following centres, which must be indicated in the Application Form clearly. Corporation also reserves the right to hold the written examination at some and not all the examination centres listed below depending upon the number of candidates and other relevant factors.
Pay Scale (Salary)
Basic Pay Rs.32,795/- per month in the scale of Rs.32795 -1610(14) – 55335 -1745(4) – 62315 and other permissible allowances like DA, HRA, CCA, etc.The unreserved emoluments will be about Rs. 65,000/-p.m. benefit other profit which are New income conspiracy and Newspaper/Internet Allowance, result in go Subsidy, remedial Benefits, boarding house Furnishing Allowance,Household make easier Allowance, Sodexo, private industrial accident cover, housing,vehicle and supercomputer loans with subsidized interests,and activity free advances for festival, actual calamities and any other profit as apiece regulations and on confirmation of ritual in the Corporation. The officers are in addition free for Corporation’s/leased accommodation as for each norms.(Presently Corporation owned accommodations are not available,whereas let out accommodation will be acceptable as apiece norms).The put forward charter accommodation confines at Mumbai is Rs.30,000/- for each month.
Important Dates
Online Registration commences from:11.03.2021
Last Date for Online Registration:29.03.2021
Payment of Application fees From:11.03.2021 to 29.03.2021
Tentative Date of online Examination:9th MAY 2021 (Afternoon Shift)
Downloading of call letters for examination commences from:Around 10 days prior to the date of examination
Online Pre-recruitment training for SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates: 26.04.2021 TO 29.04.2021For Best View Please Open This Website In CHROME / OPERA Browser