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GSSSB Bin Sachivalay Clerk (Advt. No. 150/201819) Document Verification related Notification 2023

GSSSB Bin Sachivalay Clerk (Advt. No. 150/201819) Document Verification related Notification 2023

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Important announcement

Gujarat Secondary Service Selection Board, Gandhinagar Advertisement No: 150/201819, written competitive test for direct recruitment of total-3901 posts of “Non Secretariat Clerk and Secretariat Office Assistant” Class-III cadre was held on 24/04/2022 and dated Computer Proficiency Test was organized from 19/07/2022 to 23/06/2022 and from 25/07/2022 to 30/07/2020. And the list of ineligible candidates published on the website of the association on 06/01/2023. Accordingly some of the candidates have withdrawn their candidature, or have been found ineligible in the document verification and some of the candidates have not submitted the documents due to which the following candidates have been notified of Gujarat Secondary Service on 16/01/2023 and 17/01/2023 during office hours. It is hereby notified to verify the certificates in person at Selection Board Office, Karmayogi Bhawan, Block No. 1st Floor, Sector-10-A, Gandhinagar

Notification: Click Here


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