12th Pass Govt JobsOJAS Syllabus

GSSSB bin sachivalay syllabus Clerk

GSSSB bin sachivalay syllabus Clerk for the written (OMR-option based) exam and computer proficiency test is listed below. Check the syllabus and prepare yourself with this exam method. You can prepare according to the method of this exam. This is thebin sachivalay Syllabus Clerk Exam 2021

bin sachivalay OMR exam syllabus
History of Gujarat and Culture Heritage25
English Grammar25
Gujarati Language and Grammar25
Current affairs ,Aptitude Quantitative and General Science50
Computer Knowledge25
Public administration and constitution50

bin sachivalay Part : 2 

(1) Gujarati Typing :- 20 marks
(2) English Typing :- 20 marks
(3) computer practical exam :- 60 Marks

GSSSB bin sachivalay syllabus Clerk

bin sachivalay class-3 waiting list in old bharti earlier then 2020. The current exam date for the bin sachivalay in not declared yet. in can check it later here. Stay connected with us for merit list as waiting list for this job. You can check th job or educational news here and can find the important information about the government jobs in Gujarat


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