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Gtu grade history and gtu student grade history system 2021

Ahmedabad: The Academic Council Gtu grade history and gtu student grade history gtu of Gujarat Technological University has decided to introduce a new evaluation system based on the percentage of candidates in a recent meeting.

A five-member committee comprising two professors from three GTUs and IIT Gandhinagar will soon set up the system on the lines of the assessment methodology used by Indian Tech IG (IIT), sources said.
The new assessment method will first be applied to postgraduate candidates at GTU, then it will be applied to the proposed undergraduate courses in colleges.

According to the present system, the assessment system consists of 70 marks of external examination conducted by GTU and 30 marks of mid-semester examination conducted by the affiliated college college / institution. After combining the two, the marks are converted from AA to FF.

Gtu grade history and gtu student grade history gtu

How gtu student grade history gtu to decide SPI / CPI
The assessment system will include-70marks of external examination conducted by Gujarat Technological University and 30 marks of mid-sem examination conducted by K – Lage-Institut.
After adding the marks of external examination and marks of mid-semester examination, the marks will be converted to letter grade as under:

Mark RangeGradeSPI Credits
85 to 100AA10
75 to 84AB09
65 to 74BB08
55 to 64BC07
45 to 54CC06
40 to 44CD05
35 to 39DD04
Less than 35

SPI = ∑CiGi / ∑Ci

SubjectCredit of Subject (Ci)Grade Achieved by StudentGrade Point for the Grade Achieved (Gi)Ci * Gi
Subject – A5AA1050
Subject – B5AB945
Subject – C5BC735
Subject – D6BC742
Subject – E6CC636
Subject – F3DD412

Similarly CPI will be calculated by the same formulas in but for the sum of all the courses taken in the current and previous semester. However, in the calculation of CPI, any failed grade that the student has got but can be passed later will be replaced with the pass grade in the subject. However, for the same semester the SPI will continue to reflect such failures and will not recalculate. Gtu grade history Class and distinction will be given for the degree on the basis of CPI. SPI = ΣCiGi / ΣCi = 220/30 = 7.33

GTU offers various UG, PG, Doctoral and Diploma programs in more than 400 affiliated colleges. The University offers courses in various disciplines such as Management, Technology, G, Pharmacy, Science and many more. The university follows the semester pattern for all UG and PG courses. Exotic semester exams taken in the month of November / December, while exams for the semester taken in the month of May / June.

The result of the fantastic semester exam was announced on the official website of the university. To see the result, candidates need to click on the desired topic.

See fantastic semester results for all courses

Click here

GTU Result 2020

B.A., B.V.O.C., B.Com, B.B.A., B.P., B.E. And the results of the diploma programs were announced in February. Follow the steps below to view course wise results:

  1. Go to the official website GTU


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