
Indian navy Recruitment 2021

Indian Navy Recruitment 2021 : Indian Navy has published a recruitment notification for the recruitment of Short Service Commission (SSC) Officer after 2021 for the Department of Education, Technical and Education at the Indian Naval Academy (INA) Ezhimala, Kerala. Unmarried male / female candidates eligible for Indian Navy can apply for the recruitment 2020 through official website i.e. joinindiannavy.gov.in from 18 December to 31 December 2020.

It should be noted that, due to the COVID-19 epidemic, there has been no Indian Navy Entrance Examination (INET) to shortlist a candidate for SSB, with an exception being made in the public interest. The final merit list for induction will be prepared on the basis of SSB marks only.

A total of 210 vacancies are available for Extended Naval Orientation Course, Naval Orientation Course (NOC) Regular and Special NOC.

Important dates for Indian Navy Recruitment 2021

Indian Navy Recruitment 2021

Starting date for online application: 18 December 2020.

Last date for online application: 31 December 2020.

Indian Navy SSC Vacancy Details

executive branch

SSC General Services (GS / X) / Hydro Cadre – 40 [38 (GSX) +02 (Hydro)]

SSC Naval Armament Inspectorate Cadre (NAIC) – 16

SSC Observer – 04

SSC Pilot – 15

SSC Logistics – 20

SSC X (IT) – 25

Technical branch

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RSMSSB JE Admit Card released for 2020 PHED: Download Rajasthan JEN (Junior Engineer) call letter @ rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in

SSC Engineering Branch [General Services (GS)] – 30

SSC Electrical Branch [General Services (GS)] – 40

Education branch

SSC education – 18

Indian Navy SSC Eligibility Criteria

educational qualification:

SSC General Services (GS / X) / Hydro Cadre – BE / B.Tech in any discipline with minimum 60% marks

SSC Naval Armament Inspectorate Cadre (NAIC) – BBE / B with a minimum of 60% marks in Automation / Electrical / Electrical & Electronics / Electronics / Micro Electronics / Instrumentation / Electronics & Communication / Electronics & Telecom / Mechanical & Mechanical with Instrumentation & Instrumentation. .Tech. Control / Control Engineering / Production / Industrial Production / Industrial Engineering / Applied Electronics & Instrumentation / Electronics & Instrumentation / Information Technology / Computer Science / Computer Engineering / Computer Applications / Metallurgy / Metallurgy / Chemical / Material Science / Aero Space / Aeronautical or Post Electronics / Bachelor Degree in Physics. The candidate should have 60% aggregate marks in class X and XII and minimum 60% marks in English in class X or class X.

SSC Observer – BE / B.Tech in any discipline with 60% marks

SSC Pilot – BE / B.Tech in any discipline with 60% marks

SSC Logistics – BE / B.Tech with 60% marks in any discipline or MBA with first class (iii) B.Sc / B.Com / B.Sc. (IT) PG Diploma in Finance / Logistics / Supply Chain Management / Materials Management with First Class OR (iv) MCA / M.Sc (IT) with First Class

SSC X (IT) – BE / B.Tech in Computer Science / Computer Engineering / IT / M.Sc. (Computer) /MCA/M.Tech (Computer Science)

SSC Engineering Branch [General Services (GS)] – BE / B.Tech with minimum 60% marks (i) Mechanical / Mechanical with automation (ii) Marine (iii) Instrumentation (iv) Production (v) Aeronautical (vi) Industrial Engineering and Management (vii) Control Engineering (viii) Aerospace (ix) Automobile (x) Metallurgical (xi) Mechatronics (xii) Equipment and Control

SSC Electrical Branch [General Services (GS)] – BE / B.Tech with minimum 60% marks (i) Electrical (ii) Electronics (iii) Tele Communication (iv) Electronics & Communication (v) Power Engineering (vi) Power Electronics (vii) Electronics and Instrumentation / Applied Electronics and Instrumentation (viii) Instrumentation and Control (ix) Instrumentation (x) Applied Electronics and Communications (AEC)

SSC Education – M.Sc. With first class (Maths / Operational Research) in B.Sc. M.Sc. In first class BSc with Maths (Physics / Applied Physics / Nuclear Physics) M.Sc. 55% in First Class Chemistry, MA (English). 55% in MA (History). BE / B.Tech with minimum 60% marks (Electronics & Communication / Electrical & Electronics / Electronics & Instrumentation / Electronics & Telecom / Electrical). ) BE / B.Tech with minimum 60% marks in Mechanical Engineering. BE / B.Tech with minimum 60% marks (Computer Science / Information Technology / Computer Technology / Information Systems / Computer Engineering)

Age Range:

SSC Observer and SSC Pilot – Candidates should be born between 02-07-1997 to 01-07-2002

SSC Education – Candidates should be born between 02-07-1996 to 01-07-2000

Other – Candidates should be born between 02-07-1996 and 01 -01-2002

Selection Procedure for Indian Navy Short Service Commission (SSC)

Shortlisting of applications The shortlisting of applications will be based on the preference of entries and generalized marks obtained by the candidates in the degree of merit. The marks obtained by the candidates will be normalized to the qualifying degree using the formula mentioned in the Join Indian Navy website

SSB interview shortlisted candidates will be informed about their selection for SSB interview through e-mail or SMS.

Medical Examination – Selected candidates in SSB will be called for the medical examination applicable for their entry. Pilot entry candidates are required to undergo a computerized pilot selection system (CPSS), followed by aviation medical examination. For observer admission, candidates have to undergo aviation medical examination

Merit list – Based on the performance in SSB, a separate merit list will be prepared for the extended NOC, regular NOC and special NOC.

How to apply for Indian Navy SSC Recruitment 2021?


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