Indian Oil Corporation Limited has released notification regarding appointing eligible candidates for IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2021. The notification was released on 5th October 2021 and online application has already started The last date for submitting online application is on 30th October 2021. Candidates must read this article before applying for IOCL Apprentice.
Table of Contents
- IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Overview
- IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Notification
- IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Important Dates
- IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Vacancy
- IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Eligibility Criteria
- IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Apply Link
- IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Important Dates
- Important Link
Table of Contents
IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Overview
There are vacancies in Technical and Non-Technical trades under its 5 Regions i.e. Western Region Pipelines (WRPL), Northern Region Pipelines (NRPL), Eastern Region Pipelines (ERPL), Southern Region Pipelines (SRPL) and South Eastern Region Pipelines (SERPL). Overview table is made for future reference of candidates.

IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Notification
The notification regarding the recruitment of apprenticeship is released on 5th October 2021. Candidates are advised to apply for the post before 30th October 2021. Candidates can visit the official website and check the notification or they can click on the below link to download official notification.
IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Important Dates
Candidates who are interested in the job post should know some important dates related with IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2021. The lists of important dates are provided in detail below.
IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Vacancy
Total vacancies released are for 469 posts. The officials of IOCL have vacancies for different posts which are provided in the table below.
IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification for IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2021
Qualifications for different posts are provided in the table below in more detail.
Age Limit of IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2021
Minimum age for a candidate must be 18 years and maximum must be 24 years for the purpose of applying for this job post.
IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Apply Link
There are 469 posts open for candidates in which they can apply online. Candidates can visit the official website for the purpose applying online before last submission date. However, direct lick to apply online is given below for easy access.
Steps to apply for IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2021
If any candidate has visited the official website to apply online then they can follow the below steps. Candidates have to apply for the posts by registering themselves first.
Step 1: For Technician Apprentices: With the concerned Regional Board of Apprenticeship Training (BOAT) in their portal National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) under Ministry of Human Resource Development.
For Trade Apprentices (Optional Trades): With National Skill Development Council (NSDC)
Step 2: After successful registration with the above agencies, a registration number will be generated and the candidate has to mention this registration number while applying for apprentices positions in Indian Oil Pipelines portal.
Step 3: Candidates meeting the above prescribed eligibility criteria should visit IOCL and apply Online from 5th October 2021 till 30th October 2021
IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Important Dates
Candidates who are interested in the job post should know some important dates related with IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2021. The lists of important dates are provided in detail below.
Important Link
Apply Online–Click Here