Madhya Gujarat Vij Company Ltd. (MGVCL) Junior Assistant and Assistant Law Officer Final Answer Key 2024. Check below for more details.
The answer key related to the written test held on dt. 04.02.2024 for the post of Junior Assistant under Semi Direct Recruitment was displayed on the website on it. 06.02.2024.
Candidates were informed to submit queries/objections if any by it. 08.02.2024 related to Answer Keys displayed on the website.
The queries/representations received from various candidates have been examined and accordingly, the Final Answer keys for Set A, B, C, & D are declared as displayed herewith and the same shall be considered as Final Answer Key. The following change has been made in the Answer Keys:
Question No. 58 for Set-A/ No. 33 for Set-B/ No. 8 for Set-C/ No. 83 for Set-D is dropped/canceled and the answer to this question shall not be considered for merit and total marks shall be given out of 99 marks.
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