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nda recruitment 2021 notification

  1. (National Defense Academy) (for male candidates only) nda recruitment 2021 notification (Examination conducted twice a year by the UPSC-Union Public Service Commission of the Central Government) providing opportunity to become a direct officer in Army, Navy and Air Force. )

Total 200 posts (Army-206, Navy-2, Air Force-120, Naval Academy (10 + 2) Cadets Entry-20).

Eligibility: Candidates who have passed Std-12 in any stream are eligible to apply for Army Wing and those who have passed Std-12 with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subject are eligible to apply for Air Force, Navy and Naval Academy.

Age limit Candidate is required to be born between 7th July, 2006 to 1st July, 2006.

Physical standard: Here the minimum height of the candidate is 12.5 cm. And weight required in proportion to height. 12.5 cm for flying branch. Elevation, symmetrical weight is required.

Examination Method: The examination will be held on April 17, 2011 at Ahmedabad in Gujarat. There will be a paper of 200 marks (two and a half hours) for Mathematics and 200 marks (two and a half hours) of General Ability Test. After that the successful candidates will have ssB test interview of 200 marks.

Examination Fee 100 / – (SC / ST candidates do not have to pay the fee.)

Application Process: Online (Vikas Vartul Trust, Gangajalia Lake, Bhavnagar) For special information contact: https://www.upsc.gov.in or https: // upsconline .nic.in

Last date of application 15-01-2021


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