
PixaMotion Loop – A Perfect Photo Animator & Photo Video Maker

pixamotion application

Pixaloop app is an animated image editing app Yes Friends, through pixaloop app we can make our images a well animated image with better background and animation effect.

You can download the Pixaloop app by going to the play store or you can install this app by clicking on the link given below.

How to Use Pixaloop app

➥ After installing the Pixaloop app, if we open it, then we see some option.
➥ Those who slide and click on the dive right in last.
➥ From which we see some option to purchase. If we want to take the primiam of the app, then click on an option.
Let’s click on the continue button.
➥ If you do not want to take premium, then click on the close sign in the top left side.
➥ so that we come to the front page which looks something like this.
➥ In this page we see many types of options like- animated, sky, elements, overlay, camera FX or adjust
➥ In which clicking on animated, some option appears. Which can make the picture animated.
➥ On selecting Sky option, many options related to sky are seen, through which different effect of sky can be selecte.
➥ Elements can do many types of elements for the image like flying butterfly in the image, fire, etc. many elements.
➥ Similarly, we can apply effect from selecte image overaly, using camera FX and adjust option.
➥ In this way, after applying several types of effect animation in the selected image, we try to play it.
➥ Let’s click on the export button in the top right side.
➥ In Selected Image we can create GIF of image along with animation.
➥ which causes the image to be exported as animation.
➥ And we can share this anywhere.

In this way, we can create and share nice animated images through pixaloop.

 Play Store App :- Download


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