The Directorate of Food and Civil Supplies functioning under the direction, superintendence and control of the Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department of Government of Gujarat plays an important role in the implementation of TPDS in the State.
Each month, for smooth and efficient functioning of the supply chain of commodities under TPDS, not only it coordinates with various agencies but also carries out monitoring and supervision on a day to day basis. In addition, it also monitors and regulates supplies in essential commodities specified under the Essential Commodities Act and implements provisions of various Rules and Control Orders there under.

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Know Your Gujarat Ration card Entitlement
The description of Psoriasis Natural Treatment Psoriasis is one of the most common of all skin diseases, and it’s almost impossible to cure. Both men and women are equally affected by this condition. Psoriasis usually appears between 15 to 30 years of age and will remain for a lifetime. However this condition can be controlled by psoriasis natural treatment. The word psoriasis is derived from the Greek words called psora which means ‘to itch’.
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RATION CARD Know Your Entitlement
RATION CARD Know Your Entitlement It can occur on any part of the body, however the most commonly affected areas are the knees, scalp, elbows, knuckles, lower back and sacral areas. In very few cases, people are diagnosed with nail psoriasis. They may be breaking, pitting, thickening of the nail or thickening under the nail. Scalp psoriasis is also common among people these days and around 20 % of people with psoriasis suffer from psoriatic arthritis, which is painful.
RATION CARD Know Your Entitlement If you’re here, you most likely either experience psoriasis flare-ups yourself or know someone who does. While there is no real cure for psoriasis, there are many natural home remedies which can temporarily relieve the symptoms, moisturize and soften plaques, and help to heal damaged skin.
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Here you can find the best home remedies to try out and get relief.