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RBI Assistant Recruitment 2022 : Apply for 950 RBI Assistant

RBI Assistant Recruitment 2022: Apply for 950 RBI Assistant-2022 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is likely to soon announce its website and newspaper advertisement for RBI Assistant Recruitment 2022.LRD Police Constable Written Exam Date Notification 2022

RBI Recruitment 2022: Selection Process

– Selection for these posts will be done through online examinations in two stages.

– Language Proficiency Test (LPT), Assistant Exam Pattern

RBI Recruitment 2022: Mains Exam Pattern:

Reasoning test will consist of 40 questions, maximum 40 marks and 30 minutes. There will also be 40 questions in English language, maximum 40 marks and 30 minutes time. Similarly Numeric Test will have 40 questions, maximum 40 marks and 30 minutes time, General Awareness 40 questions, maximum 40 marks and 25 minutes time and Computer Knowledge 40 questions, maximum 40 marks and 20 minutes time. There will be a total of 200 questions, 200 marks and a time of 135 minutes.

Note: Both Prelims and Mains will have

Important Links:

Short Notification: click Here

Detailed Notification: Available on 17th Feb

Apply Online: Available on 17th Feb

Official Website: Click Here


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