
SBI SO Recruitment 2023 :- notification details, online appy full process

SBI SO Recruitment 2023 :-this a garnered attention form banking aspirants across the nation. being one of the premium bank in india. the state bank of india has consistently been a preferred choice for banking professionals aiming for growth and stability. this year’s recruitment drive brings forward exciting opportunities for aspiring candidates.

this vacancy every year, thousands of candidates apply for the specialist officer. and with 439 vacancy’s this year, its a golden chance for many. the extensive network of sbi branches across the nation ensures that SOs get the opportunity to work in diverse environment, learning the intricacies of various banking segments.

SBI SO Recruitment 2023

organisation name State bank of india (SBI)
post name specialist officer (SO)
starting date of online apply 16/09/2023
last date of online apply 06/10/2023
apply mode online
official website sbi.co.in

salary/pay scale

state bank of india, offers an attractive pay scale for its specialist officers. and the pay scale range from jmgs-I to smgs-IV. for JMGS I, the basic pay starts form 36,000 progressing systematically up to 63,840. and those in MMGS II, the basic pay begins at 48,170, going up to 69,810 and MMGS III officers can expect their pay to range form 63,840 to 78,230. SMGS iv officers have a pay scale in 76,010 to 89,890, while SMGS V officers enjoy a pay scale ranging from 89,890 to 100,350.

SBI SO Recruitment 2023, SBI total vacancy

sbi vacancy is a different post in vacancy this table read now.

nopost name total vacancy
01 Assistant manager 20
02 assistant manager (backend developer)18
03assistant manager (integration devloper)17
04assistant manager (W and C management) 14
05assistant manager (data & reporting) 25
06assistant manager (automation engineer) 02
07assistant manager (manual SIT Tester) 14
08assistant manager (automated SIT tester) 08
09Assistant manager (ux designer & vd) 06
10assistant manager (devops engineer)04
11deputy manager (business Analyst)06
12assistant manager (solution architect)05
13assistant manager (software developer) 174
14deputy manager (software developer) 40
and other 439

educational qualification

this post education qualification is degree in a relevant discipline. and details of post wise qualification details as notified by SBI in the Specialist officers recruitment notification 2023 are provide in the down page.

👉🏻SO qualification is a B.E/ B.Tech, M.Sc and other post eligibility criteria. and applicants from categories like SC, ST, OBC, and other can avail of age relaxations as per the government of india rules.

selection process of specialist officer (So)

the selection process for post will be on the basis of short listing and interview.

interview :- interview will carry 100 marks. the qualifying marks in interview will be decided by the bank. no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

merit list :- merit list for selection will be prepared in descending order on the basis of scores obtained in interview only. in case more than one candidate score the cut-off marks (common marks at cut-off point), such candidates will be ranked according to their age in descending order, in the merit.

apply online payment fees :-

👉🏻Application fees and intimation charges (non-refundable) is Rs 750/- (Seven Hundred Fifty only) for General/ OBC/EWS candidates (Nil for SC/ST/PwBD candidates).

how to upload documents :-

this details of document brief resume (PDF) , ID proof, proof of date of birth (PDF), educational certificates, relevant mark-sheets/degree certificate (PDF), experience certificates (PDF), Cast certificate, and 2 photo and signature and other.

official website click here
official notification click here
WhatsApp group join click here

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